Typhoon Blog
What is green coffee
As a coffee drinker, you might not know what goes into your cup from start to finish. In reality, everything from the plant to roast influences the final product. ㅤ What are green coffee beans? Raw coffee beans, sometimes improperly roasted, are green beans. These are the unprocessed coffee beans immediately inside the coffee plant’s […]
MoreArabica Beans
Coffee plants come in many different varieties under the scientific genus coffea. Not all make it into our caffeinated beverages. Most well-known are Arabica and Robusta. Some lesser-known strains like Liberica and Excelsa exist in smaller batches as local specialties. Strains grow through various conditions in parts of Africa, Asia, and South America which change […]
MoreWhat is a coffee roaster and how does it work?
Everything, from raw bean to warm cappuccino, influences the final product making coffee. Roasters are no exception. Modern technology changes the game but fundamental processes stay the same. Even using automated technology, commercial roastmasters make quick decisions during roasting. With few standardizations for different roasts, it becomes an individualized experience. Going on your own journey […]
MoreHow to Clean and Maintain Your Coffee Roaster
The first step in creating a maintenance schedule is being proactive. Start routines immediately, don’t wait on problems. A little buildup goes a long way to impact aesthetic, flavor, and safety. Focus on frequency and thoroughness.
MoreCrema on Espresso
When hot water pushes through coffee, it makes crema: a layer of foam on the top of an espresso. Its sought-after aroma separates a good espresso from any drip coffee. You can learn to read your crema color and thickness to better understand your coffee.
MoreThe meaning of Scorching
Coffee beans go through many hoops before ending in your coffee cup. Through each step, many mistakes are possible, creating small defects which impact final flavors. One is scorching coffee beans. By definition, the meaning of scorching is to burn something. Among coffee experts, scorching happens throughout roasting processes, normally thanks to an issue related […]
MoreThe Cappuccino
Cappuccinos have been a popular and delicious coffee beverage for only about a century now. Its short life has not made its origins any clearer, with Austrian and Italian drinks springing up around the same time with the same recipe. Sometimes people think the first cappuccino recipe was Kapunizer Kaffee, a sweet coffee with milk […]
MoreThe Americano
The Americano drink may be the simplest coffee recipe, but is commonly compared to filter coffee, a nod to its origin, and often confused with the Lungo. Despite confusion, the Americano has a simple recipe explained through its history. During the second world war, Italians served American soldiers espresso. They were grateful, but admitted the […]
MoreCoffee roast levels: the characteristics and differences
Many factors influence the taste of your favorite caffeinated beverages: the beans used, preparation, and roast of coffee. Fresh from the tree, beans vary. Light green shades come from South America; better for lighter levels...
MoreThe Coffee Roasting Basics
ㅤ How to Roast Coffee Beans To make your favorite caffeinated beverage, the coffee roasting basics start at the coffee plant. People have been making and drinking coffee for decades, but with the help of coffee roasting technology today, consumers often forget the delicacy of coffee fruit’s journey from the farm to a lovely cappuccino, […]